31 March, 2005

Ignored & taken for granted..

Being ignored is also not something anyone desires! And I am surmising that, being ignored is the reason the Internet Explorer on my laptop decided to call it quits a month or two back. I didn't bother fixing that because I never use IE in the first place. Firefox does very well for all my needs. The only thing I may have needed IE for was to access my Outlook Webmail. But incidentally I have been using Y! Browser (which sucks overall - a poor wrapper around IE) to check that. So in summary, IE was well and truly ignored.

Being taken for granted is also something no one likes! I guess that is why the Windows Explorer on my machine decided to make its presence (or must I say lack of presence thereof) felt when it decided to crash every time I called upon it. The error message said that some instruction was trying to access memory location 0x00000000! Oopsy daisy - that didn't sound good at all. As time slipped, I began to realize how essential Explorer was to many of my everyday tasks on the machine. My prime suspect was the Microsoft Antispyware that had been installed in the recent past. I was always suspicious of that piece of software. May be it felt that a working explorer makes a system vulnerable to spyware attacks! You never know....

While exploring & trying out the various solutions to get the Explorer to work, IE started to work out of the blue. Good for it! ;) Along the way, I hit about this feature that the Windows XP OS provides called System Restore. It works well, but unfortunately it didn't help me :( And finally help came from this advise from a similarly frustrated Windows user. I have my Explorer working and according to Microsoft, my machine is vulnerable. Yeah, but I prefer a vulnerable system to one that is so secure that it doesn't allow its owner to view its data!

All's well that ends well! I have made a System Restore Point when both IE and Windows Explorer are working. You never know when they will go on strike again! I suggest you too do so, especially if your machine is left online all by itself, free to scheme with other fellow softwares in cyberspace!


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